Our History

The original water system was created in 1898 by the Phoenix Logging Company. The entire infrastructure has been replaced since then.

The Potlatch Beach Mutual Water Company (PBMWC) was formed in 1947 when the Phoenix Logging Company owners, Ernst and Hulda Carlson, donated the water rights and existing infrastructure to the newly formed non-profit corporation.

The sole purpose of the PBMWC is to provide water for potable use and fire protection to all properties within Potlatch Beach Tracts, and all property owners are Members of the PBMWC. Service is now provided to 74 members with 84 hookups to receive water.


1947 Potlatch Beach Mutual Water Company formed
1953 450 LF of 8-inch AC & 1,450 LF of 6-inch Transite water main installed
1960 2,200 LF of 4-inch Transite water main installed
1960 Well #1 installed
1961 Overhead power to Well #1 & 200 LF of 4-inch Transite water main installed
1961 25,000 gallon concrete storage tank & 480 LF of 8-inch Transite water main installed
1963 Approx. 1,250 LF of 4-inch Transite water main installed
1966 2,940 LF of 4-inch Transite water main installed
1977 300 LF of 4-inch plastic water main installed (west side of Hwy 101)
1981 Well #2 installed
1982 First flow meter and well pump motor hour meters installed for wells
1995 Wells #1 and #2 submersible pumps and motors replaced
1995 Flow meter at well house replaced
2002 1,500 feet of underground power installed to replace overhead power to wells
2007 4 water Quality sampling stations installed
2009 Started installation of meters on customer service lines- 16 meters installed
2010 Well #1(SO1) contaminated with e-coli bacteria; well taken out of service
October, 2013 Short Message System (SMS) 2G cellular installed to monitor and communicate pump activity
2016 Completed installation of meters on all 82 customer meters
2017 SMS upgraded to 4G LTE cellular telemetry and added input/output features for future
2018 Well #3 (SO3) completed
2018 Pumphouse #2 Built
Nov, 2020 New panel Commissioned
February, 2021 4G LTE cellular telemetry replaced by Cable Modem
August, 2021 Pump#2 & Pump #3 Began Alternating
November 24, 2022 Pump#2 carrying load & Pump #3 taken out of service
July, 2023 Began UltraViolet Disinfection Project